One thing I love with all aluminium pulleys is when they’re heated, they expand so much that they cant get stuck.

I wanted to have the trigger wheel behind the crank pulley, but 4A-GZE covers dont allow this. This was mentioned on the T3 web page, but I had my fingers crossed that this would work.

Trigger wheel is going to be in front of the pulley then

Custom oil return line! Adapter at the 90° end is 3/8″ NPT to mate with the turbo and at the straight end, a AN/JIC bulkhead fitting

Almost perfect

Below: Because moving alternator from the front side of the engine to the back side, I have to use different coolant lines. This makes the stock knock sensor location inaccessible. I’m not going to use the stock knock sensor, so I’m not yet sure how this turns out.

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