Fuel tank needed attention.

I was full of this… this… what ever this is but it is not rust

There was a manufacturing date on top of the fuel tank 62.9.26 which is 26th of september Showa 62 or 26th sep 1987

Cleaning and cleaning

Old fuel pump

Remember this? This is the line from fuel pump that I though was something inch-sized. Well I made a huge mistake. It was M14 x 1.5 and the AN adapter was easy to find.

Hey, I have a few questions 1. What size AN did you use for the fuel line (I know from above you said it’s M14 x 1.5 on one end) and.. 2. What size Banjo fitting? – planning to do this as well while my engine is out. 3. Did you also convert the other smaller (fuel) lines into AN fittings or left those alone and used rubber hose (like stock)? 4. Last one 🙂 what axles did you use with the E153 LSD trans to work with your 4age 16v? I’m trying hard to source an E153 for my… Read more »
Yeah no prob 🙂 1. I used AN6. I kept the hardline running on top of the fuel tank untouched, except that M14x1.5 adapter to convert the hardline to AN6. 2. No banjo fittings, generally I hate ’em. 3. Kept them stock, just picked a ethanol resistant rubber hose. 4. Hmm, I might have been unclear here. I have a 4A-GZE with the stock E51 gearbox. E153 wont fit A-series engines, it has a S-series bellhousing. Why I have one E153 is because it has almost identical internals with E51, it is my spare parts box. What Im running is… Read more »
Thanks for the info! So instead of banjo fitting you have another adapter to the fuel filter? — as for the E153, that makes sense (is there no way to adapt a e153 to the A-series?) Currently I’m stuck with a C50 and am looking for other options or I may just try to rebuild this C50 but with more power & boost, it may not hold up anyway. As for the other smaller lines coming out of the fuel pump – those are just fuel evap lines? Reason I ask is I couldn’t find a hose the right size… Read more »
Sure! Yeah, I think the body of the fuel filter has a metric thread. There is an AN adapter at the bottom of the fuel filter, but it came like that from my supplier and I didn’t think it as an separate adapter. There could be a way to adapt a E153 to A-series. Check SQ-engineering, they have a adapter plate for AE86 that makes possible to install a IS200 gearbox into AE86. IS200 has a S-series engine, so technically that adapter plate should work in between 4A-GE and E153. In practice, the gearbox mounts should all line up, but… Read more »