I’ve had a lot of success with the clutch. So much that I’ve been bleeding it every other day and it’s still not like it should be. I started to suspect that the bleeder plug isn’t totally sealed and called Toyota for new one.
New bleeder plug from Toyota (47547-12010) was 4,70 euros, a stellar price. I went through the local parts shop and found a compatible plug. The plug for Toyota is M10x1x34mm, so M10 x 1mm thread and 34mm length. Length can be bit longer, if 34mm isn’t available.
It took a while to find measures for the bleeder plug, but it was worth it. One plug from parts shop was 1,90 euros. I cleaned the threads and inserted the plug and it felt a lot better than the original. It felt like it was really sealing the clutch line.
Ok, anyhow, I really hate the whole hydraulic system. It’s so difficult to bleed that I could summon the devil with it. Every time I fill the reservoir I hear a disembodied voice reading a Opel repairmanual backwards. I really hope this would be the last time I bled the system.
After I closed the bleeder, the clutch felt solid (once again) and I pumped the clutch, jumped, kicked and touched it softly and after couple of minutes doing this, it still was good. Then I used a broom to push the pedal so I could watch the release cylinder move. Afterwards I left a piece of towel under the car so I can see if it is still leaking.
I also fixed the oil cooler line, it seemed to leak too, but it was easier to fix than the clutch. Just pushed it slightly to get it well over the pipe coming from cooler and tightened the clamp. At least I have a well-oiled e-brake line. 🙂
Such a small part but gives so much trouble