Oil filter relocation – 2

Found a perfect place for remote oil filter head!


Removing the carbon canister frees a nice spot, I just needed to build a new braket.

My first prototype, which was only a bent piece of steel. Just above the old AT transmission oil cooler is a T-piece for a oil temp sensor.


The prototype gave me an idea to route the second oil line behind the filter with a flexi bit so the T piece wouldnt be stressed too much.

I got a short oil line made for me. There is a bit weird angle in the line, but it’s fixed now.


I didn’t take a picture where I testfitted the hose, which is a shame.

My second prototype was bit more mature, but it still needs some strenghtening. The carbon canister is standing on the remote head, still not removed.


I also got some braided line and AN fittings. Now where did I put that picture…?

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