Place for oil temp sensor

Right now, I’m helping my friend Mr. Kylie to fix his Suzuki Carry (the Notorious E.G.G.). I’ve found out similarities between Suzukis and Toyotas while going through this ST90V and this was probably the best find.

While removing Suzuki’s oil pump I noticed couple screws which opened directly into oil passages and started to wonder if 4A would have anything similar. I went to look my spare engine and especially the oil pump, which has really similar construction and woooo!


(Picture is bit bad) Just left to oil pressure sender, there is a opening into oil pump cavities. I didn’t have time to check the thread, but it is enormous. The oil temperature sensor has 1/8 NPT thread, but the hole was way bigger. I could have inserted the whole temp sensor inside the oil pump through that opening.

The location for the opening is bit difficult, but I’ll google a bit around to see if anyone has done anything similar.

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