Mr. V came over to our garage to pay us a visit. He had a some kind of french car with him, which I think was a Peugeot. It was a small, green and with slight bump on its right front fender. First I thought it was a green marble and tried to kick it out, but Maladar stopped me. No, actually it was a nice 206, which Mr. V mended in our garage. Slight coincidence, Mr. V had a unused Stinger SP1000 battery in the trunk, which I bought on the spot. That gave me a great excuse to build a new ground cable. And possibly, in the future – a positive lead too The original ground cable is pretty much rubbish. I have to check all the old grounding points too, because the cable shows some marks of oxidation. Our first iteration of the new ground cable was so bad, that Maladar and I made a agreement to not speak about it ever again.Insert smell of burning insulation here
Huffing paint
No pictures at this moment as my camera left towards canary isles yesterday morning. (That cheating bastard, someone else is pressing her buttons!) Ok, we went to the best paint shop in town (only 3 blocks away) where I had to pay some real money for all the things we needed. I prepared myself with the paint code (28J, 041 for white and 166 for metallic silver) and took also some parts with us. At the paint shop, we compared the color chart to the parts and we found out that the white part of my aw11 is actually Toyota 040 Super White and not the original Toyota 041 White. Maladar owns a pretty serious paint gun, so we decided to take the gray paint in paint gun version. The white paint for the small parts was taken in regular spray can. Back in the garage, we sanded the eyelids or whatever on top of the bumper and in front of the headlights and tested the white paint. The results were really good and the shade almost exactly right. On top of everything, Maladar signed his masterpiece with his fingerprints 🙂 (strange habit which led to sanding, again)
Front brake rebuild
Front brake caliber rebuild from last summer with Dixcel discs and pads.
Pictures from the past
Some really old pictures:
Old Defi boost gauge
I found some old pictures of my previous boost gauge. The gauge went mad while driving and for a second it showed so insane amount of boost, that I had to test if the reading was true by driving a bit faster. It was not and I was disappointed.
Performance engine oil
High-quality oil from small local company, made without compromises
Also, daylight picture of Pivot gauge
Extending steering axle
I need a bit longer steering axle(?), this one is bit too short: Maladar told me about Tanida/Juran racing components and suggested that I also need a FET Quick release hub (Widric already has one)
Beldin helped me to measure the needed length, we also tested a deep cone Momo steering wheel from Beldin’s FD3S (about 50mm deep, really nice but still bit too short) The result is somewhere between 90mm to 110mm, with Tanida/Juran 75mm addition and FET QRS2 (25mm more) I would have 100mm more length.
Really low
Maladar has been drinking beer lately at the garage …and I noticed that I had a new sticker on my bumper
I laughed a lot 🙂 (Matala = Low)